PISA 2025
We are currently preparing for the upcoming PISA 2025 Main Study in Scotland. You can find out some initial information on the Main Study below:
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is the world’s biggest international education study, involving schools and students in 85 countries around the world.
NFER is delivering PISA 2025 in Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government. If you are a student, parent or from a school in Scotland and have been contacted about taking part in the PISA 2025 Main Study, please click on one of the links below for further information.
PISA provides high-quality, internationally comparable data to inform education policy in the UK and across the world. The results are used to improve teaching and learning in maths, reading and science and to provide valuable insights into background factors such as student attitudes, school resources, teaching practices and qualifications, and how they relate to student achievement.
The PISA international dataset traces trends in education as far back as the year 2000, within the UK and internationally. PISA 2025 will provide important evidence on the experiences and outcomes of the current cohort of 15-year-olds being educated in Scotland.
NFER has been involved in delivering PISA in Scotland for over 20 years.
The last full PISA survey was conducted in Autumn 2022. The results from this survey were published on 5 December 2023.
A summary of the PISA 2022 results in Scotland can be found at the links below:
To access other national reports and briefing papers from previous surveys, please visit our PISA research page.
PISA - Contact us at NFER
Details of how to get in touch if you have any questions about PISA 2025 in the UK.
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