Building a picture: a guide to assessing writing in year 6
Tuesday 15 June 2021
16:00 – 16:50
You can view the recording from the event below:
This webinar explored the way individual pieces of a pupil’s writing can build a cumulative picture of attainment using the English writing frameworks. It will support teachers in making their own assessment judgements in 2021 in order to inform teaching and learning, report to parents and support secondary transition. Participants were able to engage with the authors, who shared some sample pages of pupil writing from Bite into Writing to explain their approach to teacher assessment, based on their experience as senior external moderators.
Written by Margaret Fennell and Jo Shackleton, who have played a key role in producing national standardisation and training materials, each Bite into Writing book is developed by working closely with teachers, who have tried out and evaluated the teaching and learning materials, and provided examples of real pupils’ writing for use in the books. Margaret and Jo talked through their approach to selecting the exemplars of pupils’ writing, and the way they go about annotating individual pieces to demonstrate evidence of the ‘pupil can’ statements. They explained how the pieces of writing contribute to a teacher assessment judgement, and consider the next steps for teaching and learning.
A moderated Q&A session was also held after the presentation, where participants were encouraged to ask questions.
For more information about Bite Into Writing, please visit this page.