Launch of the 2023 OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) results

Tuesday 10 December 2024



Held in co-operation between the OECD, Verian, NFER and the Department for Education (England), this session will provide an overview of some of the key international findings from this flagship study of adult skills around the world, along with an overview of the results for England.

Speakers and panellists are scheduled to include:

  • Baroness Smith of Malvern – Minister for Skills in the Department for Education (England)
  • Andreas Schleicher - Director for Education and Skills at the OECD
  • Stefano Scarpetta - Director of the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate of the OECD 
  • Rebecca Wheater – Research Director at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
  • Craig Watkins – UK CEO of Verian
  • Jude Hillary - Co-Head of UK Policy and Practice for NFER

With a prerecorded introduction from Mathias Cormann - Secretary General of the OECD.

You can register and submit questions in advance here.