Party Conferences 2023
Tuesday 3 October 2023
Manchester and Liverpool
NFER hosted a fringe event on future skills needs at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester and Labour Party Conference in Liverpool.
New technologies and major demographic changes will transform employment over the coming decades. Action is needed to help young people and workers develop the right skills that will be needed in future to prevent enduring social and economic problems. The panel discussion focused on what policies at school and post-16 stages are needed to address these major challenges.
Conservative Party Conference - Manchester
The Changing Economy – Future skills needs
Tuesday 3 October, 12:30-13:30
Central 6, Manchester Central Convention Complex
The panel included:
- Carole Willis, Chief Executive, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (Chair)
- Lisa Morrison-Coulthard (NFER)
- Fiona Aldridge, Head of Skills at the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)
- David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC)
- Cllr John Cope, Parliamentary candidate for Esher & Walton, and Leader of the Conservative group at Elmbridge Borough Council
- Lou Cordwell OBE, Chair of Greater Manchester (GM) Business Board and Deputy Co-Chair of Innovation GM.
Labour Party Conference - Liverpool
The Changing Economy – Future skills needs
Monday 9 October, 09:30-10:30
Skills Hub, Stand 149, Main Exhibition Centre
The panel included:
- Carole Willis, Chief Executive, National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) (Chair)
- Dr Lisa Morrison-Coulthard, Research Director, NFER
- Seema Malhotra MP, Shadow Skills Minister
- Fiona Aldridge, Head of Skills at the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)
- David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC)
- Cllr Eamonn O’Brien, Leader of Bury Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority Portfolio Lead for Technical Education and Skills.