Sharing Evidence and Practice from the RCT of Save the Children's Families Connect Programme

Wednesday 27 January 2021

13:00 - 15:30

Online Event

This webinar launches the final report of a Nuffield Foundation funded Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) of the Families Connect Programme and provides a forum for policy makers, practitioners and researchers to come together and discuss best practice with representatives across the early years sector.

The event is intended to strengthen learning and strategies to reduce the impact of disadvantage on the attainment gap and support approaches to parental engagement. It is an opportunity to share learning, highlight evidence gaps and promote enquiry into what makes for sustainable change. It is also aimed to support evaluation practice with a focus on addressing challenges of methodological approaches to measuring and interpreting outcomes in children’s early learning.

Ben Styles, Head of the Trials Unit at NFER, will be speaking on the importance of education RCTs in developing the evidence base, and our Trials Director, Pippa Lord, will also be at the event to facilitate discussion on RCTs in Early Years educational research / Practical implications.

The webinar will be chaired by Dan Paskins, UK Impact Director, Save the Children and will feature presentations from:

  • Eleanor Ireland, Programme Head of Education: Early Years and Primary at the Nuffield Foundation
  • Ben Styles, Head of Trials Unit at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
  • Tracy Jackson, Head of Early Years at Save the Children
  • The Families Connect RCT project team from NFER, Save the Children and Queens University Belfast
  • Sarah Miller, Queens University Belfast
  • Cuckoo Hall Academy

Facilitated discussion forums will also be hosted by:

  • Kathy Sylva, Oxford University
  • Carey Oppenheim, Nuffield Foundation
  • Kirsten Asmussen, Early Intervention Foundation (EIF)
  • Bianca Albers, Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI)
  • Pippa Lord, National Foundation for Educational Research
  • Arun Verma, Save the Children
  • Greater Shantallow Area Partnership
  • Lucy Williams, Save the Children

More about the event…