FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad Evaluation

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The National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) has been commissioned by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to evaluate FFT’s Tutoring with the Lightning Squad programme.   

About the Programme

This online reading catch-up programme aims to help pupils improve their reading skills. It is a structured, targeted intervention for pupils in years 1-6 that are below age related expectations in reading and are particularly weak with their decoding and fluency skills. Pupils work in pairs through a series of engaging activities and stories to build their confidence and enjoyment for reading alongside improving their reading skills. For further information about the programme please visit FFT’s website. 

About the Evaluation

The evaluation will assess the impact of FFT's Tutoring with the Lightning squad programme on the reading skills of children who are below expected reading levels in years 3 and 4. Using a randomised control trial, NFER will compare the reading skills of pupils who receive the programme with those who do not. 

Which schools can take part

Schools will be eligible to apply if they are: 

  •        A primary school with at least two Year 3 and two Year 4 classes
  •        Not currently using or have previously used FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad
  •        Not delivering Accelerated Reader, Reciprocal Reading, Dyslexia Gold, Lexia, ReadingPlus or Fresh Start (RWI)
  •        Not participating in the following EEF trials: Pathways Literacy, Power of Reading or Writing Roots.
  •        Willing to have either year group randomly assigned to intervention or control group

Benefits of taking part

By participating in the evaluation of the Tutoring with the Lightning Squad programme, all schools will not only help understand its impact but also contribute to the evidence base in what works for pupil phonics and reading fluency development as well as the use of educational technology in schools. An evaluation report will be published on the EEF website upon project completion.  

In addition to resources provided as part of the programme, schools will receive access to the Tutoring with the Lightning Squad programme for two years after the evaluation. 

At the end of the research period, schools will receive £800 to recognise their work for the evaluation. 

How to apply

Further information about joining the programme is available here.