Teacher Recruitment and Retention Survey
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Information sheet for schools
The Nuffield Foundation has provided grant funding to the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to carry out a three-year study exploring teacher supply and shortages in England and Wales. As part of this study, NFER will be undertaking a national survey of headteachers in primary and secondary state schools in England. The survey will be administered in autumn 2020 and 2021.
The findings from the survey will contribute to the overall aims of the study, which are to gain an understanding of:
- the extent of teacher shortages as reported by schools
- how satisfied schools were with the quality of applicants and appointees
- strategies put in place to mitigate the impact on pupils and other teachers of any unfilled vacancies
- barriers that teacher shortages have imposed upon the school meeting any achievements
- contextual challenges schools face in terms of recruitment and retention
- the impact that Covid-19 has had on teacher recruitment, retention and deployment.
If your school has not received the link to the survey you can contact us at [email protected] or on 01753 637247.