The Skills Imperative 2035: Essential skills for tomorrow’s workforce
NFER is leading a strategic research partnership, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, to identify the essential employment skills people will need for work by 2035.
From Spring 2023 to Summer 2023, NFER will be running a survey to measure the key skills of the UK workforce. We will be preparing for this survey by running a Pilot survey in Autumn 2022, preceded by one-to-one informal trialling activities.
Relevant privacy notices for these activities can be found at the links below:
Privacy Notice - Informal trialling of the essential skills survey
Privacy Notice - Essential Skills Survey: 15-18 sample
Privacy Notice - Essential Skills Survey: Public voice sample
Privacy Notice - Essential Skills Survey: PIAAC recontact sample
More information, including news, publications, and information about our Strategic Advisory Board, can be found here.