NFER Reading Tests

The NFER Tests range includes reading assessments for use across years 1-6. These tests have been developed by our assessment experts, in collaboration with teachers, and standardised with over 60,000 pupils. NFER Tests provide reliable standardised and age-standardised scores to confidently monitor attainment and progress. 

Our reading assessments include:

  • materials that reflect the style and format of the national curriculum tests
  • texts chosen to be engaging and appropriate to the age group
  • questions in a variety of formats to reduce dependency on writing skills
  • access to a free and easy-to-use online analysis tool to generate instant reports.

Click on the samples below to see the types of question, support and marking guidance you will find in NFER reading tests. 

The spring reading tests include diagnostic commentaries, providing formative assessment guidance to inform teaching and learning and valuable next-steps guidance.

The summer reading tests give you valuable age-related expectations measures to show whether pupils are meeting the standards expected for their year group at the end of each school year. You can use this information to support personalised learning and effective, targeted teaching in the summer term.