NFER’s expertise covers a wide range of education topics, issues and research methods. Find out more about some of our work in key areas below.

At NFER, our specialist teams have detailed knowledge of the issues regarding accountability in education as well as decades of practical experience of developing large-scale assessments and performance measures that support system-wide improvement. In the UK, we work closely with Ofqual, the Department for Education and Ofsted.
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NFER has a long and successful history of contributing to the development and delivery of international large scale assessments (ILSAs) and benchmarking studies, including: PISA – the Programme for International Student Assessment TIMSS – the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study PIRLS – the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
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Classroom Practice
NFER research provides insight into policy developments in education in the UK and internationally. NFER interrogates UK datasets and examines the results of the International Large Scale Assessments (ILSAs) to identify the impact of what and how subjects are taught and children’s experience of school.
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Education to Employment
NFER are committed to help to improve the means by which young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, access opportunities and information that encourage them to understand their talents and interests, and identify appropriate education pathways to employment.
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Social Mobility
NFER are England’s national study centre for the OECD’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study, which will provide insights into how children’s early experiences affect their development. NFER also conduct many trials for the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) which is focused on creating and using evidence to improve outcomes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
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School Funding
Funding underpins every aspect of education, and changes in funding models have different implications for different types of schools and pupils.
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School Workforce
NFER has a well-established research programme on teacher supply, combining analysis of large datasets and in-depth qualitative research to provide fresh insights and identify improvements to keep teachers engaged and aid retention.
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Systems & Structures
The extent to which the structure of the education system affects the quality of education that children receive is an important and much debated issue.
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Covid 19 Recovery
Since Spring 2020, NFER has conducted a wealth of research to understand the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on pupils, teachers and schools in England.
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