Assessment for Learning: Literacy - practical resources for the classroom. Resource pack 8-9
01 February 2006
Frogs includes a range of texts including a Native American tale about a wide-mouthed frog, information, instructions and poetry about frogs as well as jokes and ‘did you know’ facts. A range of reading, writing and cross-curricular activities are based on the various texts and include opportunities to write instructions and poetry as well as investigate characters in stories.
Trees includes a traditional tale explaining the importance of trees as well as poems, tree facts and an article about a campaign to save a local woodland. Activities based on the reading booklet include writing a newspaper article, completing an alternative ending to a story and writing to a local MP.
The literacy activities in these resource packs are designed to encourage pupils to focus on the learning intentions, learn how to give and receive constructive feedback and develop the skills to monitor their own learning in line with the principles of Assessment for Learning research.