Astroversity: A Futurelab Prototype Research Report
01 December 2004
Astroversity is a game for students aged 12 to 14 played in groups of three. It is designed to give the students an opportunity to develop collaborative and scientific enquiry skills. It does not teach these skills, but the task is structured so that an individual cannot complete it in one attempt nor is it easy to solve by memory alone. The most effective solution requires three students to work together, systematically recording data and coming to a shared solution.
Key Findings
- students need a structured environment when practicing group skills or performing a task requiring scientific enquiry as these are not instinctive skills
- self-assessment is not performed reliably when not mediated by an external person
- well designed games for learning can be motivating and engaging, shown by more students turning up for the final session with the three-dimensional than the first despite the fact it was end of term.
Additional information
Related Titles
Astroversity , Astroversity , Astroversity , Debating the evidence , Mobile, collaborative and location-based learning: a case study of the MobiMissions prototype , Game-based learning