Basic Skills and Key Skills: A review of international literature

Robert Smith, Robat Powell, Angharad Reakes

01 January 2005

This report can be downloaded from Welsh Assembley Government

This is a National Council Education and Learning Wales (ELWa) commissioned report on evidence-based research into international good practice in the provision of basic and key skills, each of which is briefly defined. Methodology was based on a literature and data sources review restricted to relevant sources published in English since 1994 as well as interviews with key personnel from a number of agencies. It also included an analysis of the literature review aimed at identifying good practice in basic and key skills and focusing on those models which would best support the needs of both learners and providers. Analysis of these models informed recommendations for formulating and disseminating good practice. The report is structured in two sections - basic and key skills. Each is discussed in detail under broadly similar headings and includes a bibliography and analytical framework of relevant literature, analysis of a range of issues such as barriers to learning, funding, staffing and provision through the medium of Welsh, key findings, models of good practice and recommendations for action in Wales.

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Basic skills and key skills

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