Cross-nation Research into Mutual Recognition of Teaching Qualifications

David Pye, Caroline Filmer-Sankey, Karen Whitby, Robat Powell, Karen Kerr, Jane Nicholas, Colette Murphy

01 April 2006

Download the report from the General Teaching Council for Scotland website

In December 2005, the General Teaching Council for Wales, acting on behalf of the General Teaching Councils' (GTCs') Five Nations Group, commissioned NFER to conduct research into the contents of the standards and routes to teaching qualifications in the UK nation states and the Republic of Ireland, in order to provide evidence on the comparability of the different systems to enable the GTCs to work towards greater equivalence.

Key Findings

  • Teaching qualification standards in the five countries are similar in content, pitch and demand, but different in terms of presentation and supporting guidance provided.
  • All five countries offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses, though the nature of the courses differs.
  • Academic entry requirements are consistent, but there are differences in the terminology for the programmes of teacher education, the qualification to teach and academic qualifications awarded.
  • In England, Northern Ireland and Wales, trainee teachers&##8217; qualifications allow them to be employed in the primary or secondary sector.

Additional information

Cross-nation research into mutual recognition of teaching qualifications