Developing a Business Case for Early Interventions and Evaluating their Value for Money

Shona Macleod, George Bramley, Ben Durbin, Helen Aston

09 November 2011

In the context of increased debate about early interventions in the UK, the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned NFER to produce guidance on what constitutes a good business case for early interventions and how it should be assessed. The guidance will be of use to local authorities (LAs) and their partners in their decision-making and planning on early interventions.

It is based on a review of the evidence base; a description of the measures and indicators used in assessing the long-term benefits of early interventions; an audit of the approaches and models used to measure the economic value of early interventions.

Key Findings

  • how to make or assess a business case for early interventions
  • how to make an economic case for early interventions
  • the key considerations in evaluating the value for money (VfM) of early interventions
  • definitions of key VfM terminology.

Additional information

Developing a business case for early interventions and evaluating their value for money

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