Embedding Citizenship Education in Secondary Schools in England (2002-08): Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study Seventh Annual Report

David Kerr, Avril Keating, Thomas Benton, Gill Featherstone, Joana Lopes

29 October 2009

Research report available to download from DfE

NFER is carrying out a nine year evaluation of citizenship education in England on behalf of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF, formerly DfES). The Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS) began in 2001 and is tracking a cohort of young people from age 11 to 18, who entered secondary school in September 2002 and became the first students to have a statutory entitlement to citizenship education.

Embedding Citizenship Education in Secondary Schools in England is the seventh annual report from the study, published by DCSF on 28th October 2009. It concentrates on emerging lessons from 12 longitudinal case-study schools that CELS has been following since citizenship became part of the National Curriculum in 2002.

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