Evaluation of STEMNET's Operations and Impacts 2011-15: Summary Report

Suzanne Straw, Shona Macleod

21 December 2015

NFER undertook an evaluation of STEMNET's operations and impact from 2011-2015. STEMNET works to ensure that future generations are able to appreciate and understand the role of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and careers and that more young people enter careers in STEM. The evaluation focused on STEMNET’s three key programmes: STEM Ambassadors Programme; STEM Clubs Programme; and Schools' STEM Advisory Network.

The evaluation included: a pupil online survey administered in 2012, 2013 and 2014; a teacher telephone survey administered in 2012 and 2014; 12 school case studies; an online survey of STEM Ambassadors administered in 2012 and 2014; STEM Ambassador and employer case studies; and annual consultations with STEMNET staff and contract holders.

Key Findings

The impacts of STEMNET's programmes include:

  • for pupils: increased knowledge and understanding of STEM subjects; increased awareness of the importance and real-world applications of STEM subjects; increased enjoyment, interest and progress in STEM subjects; and increased interest in studying science and in STEM jobs
  • for teachers: increased understanding of the benefits of STEM enrichment and enhancement activities; increased use of real life contexts in teaching; increased understanding of STEM business and industry and career options; and improved relationships with STEM business and industry
  • for STEM Ambassadors: increased sense of personal satisfaction with work; increased confidence and motivation in working with schools and young people; and the development of a range of new and existing skills such as communication and presentation
  • for STEM employers: fulfilling their corporate social responsibility objectives; raised awareness and profile of their company; and progress towards building a supply chain of potential employees within schools.

Additional information

Evaluation of STEMNET's operations and impacts 2011-15

Related Titles

Evaluation of STEMNET's operations and impacts 2011-15 , Evaluation of STEMNET's operations and impacts 2011-15 , Improving young people's engagement with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) , STEM Education Learning Report

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