General Teaching Council Survey of Teachers 2005
06 June 2006
Available to download from GTCE website
A large-scale survey of a representative sample of 10,000 registered teachers was conducted for the General Teaching Council (GTC) by the NFER in spring 2005. This formed the first follow-up study to a similar survey in spring 2004, also conducted for the GTC by the NFER and designed to inform not only the work of the GTC, but also its advice to the Secretary of State for Education and other policy-makers.
The aims were
- to survey a representative sample of teachers
- to revisit some of the conceptual areas from the 2004 survey to ascertain movement, if any, in views over the intervening 12 months
- to explore further topics not included in the previous survey.
A questionnaire was sent to teachers at their home addresses and also made available online for those in the sample who wished to respond in that way. A 42 per cent response rate was achieved. A range of sophisticated statistical techniques was used in the analysis of the data, to add explanatory power to the findings.
Download the appendices from the GTCE website
Download the questionnaire from the GTCE website