Good Practice in the Provision of Full-time Education for Excluded Pupils: Final Report

Anne Wilkin, Kay Kinder, Mary Atkinson, Annie Johnson

21 July 2004

This report presents the findings from the final phases of an NFER study, commissioned by the LGA, of good practice in the provision of full-time education for pupils excluded from school for more than 15 consecutive days. The research study comprised three phases. Phase one was described in an interim report, Good Practice in the Provision of Full-time Education for Excluded pupils: Interim Report.

During phase two of the study, 30 local education authorities (LEAs) were selected for site visits involving interviews with strategic and operational staff in order to examine more fully the range of strategies in place — resulting in a total of 58 interviews. Six LEAs were then visited again for a more detailed case-study analysis during phase three. The report includes analysis and discussion of: the variability in full-time provision; LEAs’ ability to fulfil the full-time provision requirement; the changes made as a result of the requirement; the role of other agencies in delivering full-time provision; and reintegration strategies. It also identifies the challenges and improvements associated with the requirement and its impact. It concludes with an overview of the key factors involved in the delivery of full-time provision, those who were considered by interviewees to be the winners and losers of the requirement, its cost-effectiveness and interviewees’ overall views on its appropriateness. Concluding comments focus on the variety of interventions and strategies that might be incorporated into LEA practice in order to help fulfil the responsibility for full-time provision for excluded pupils, as well as highlighting major concerns that remain.

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see also

Additional information

Good practice in the provision of full-time education for excluded pupils (final report)

Related Titles

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