Making Citizenship Education Real: Citizenship education longitudinal study: second annual report. First longitudinal survey

David Kerr, Joana Lopes, Rachel Craig, Eleanor Ireland, Liz Cleaver

01 May 2004

This report sets out the findings from the first longitudinal survey and visits to nine case study schools drawn from those involved in the first cross-sectional survey of the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (hereafter referred to as the Study). The findings establish a baseline of the attitudes of students, teachers and school leaders to citizenship and education in the first year following the introduction of statutory citizenship education into schools in September 2002.

The report outlines the emerging approaches to citizenship education in schools in the academic year 2002-2003 and begins to identify and explore the factors which influence the decision making process in schools concerning citizenship education. It identifies action points for schools, teachers and policy-makers.

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