Moovl: A Futurelab Prototype Research Report

Ben Williamson

01 July 2004


The Moovl prototype is an online drawing program with dynamic properties which allow images to be 'programmed' to move according to simple physics of mass, elasticity, air resistance and solidity. An online scrapbook component allows users to share their images.

Moovl was conceived, designed and developed by Soda Creative Ltd. Futurelab designed and conducted the research activities with children in school. The research and development process involved a workshop with subject specialists, and early stage usability testing and interviews with children to inform subsequent design and functionality modifications.

The final trial took place over four days early in June 2004 at two school sites. This report describes and analyses the data recorded at one of these sites, a primary school in inner-city Bristol. 31 children from Year 3 (aged 7-8) and 30 children from Year 1 (aged 5-6) used Moovl. 8 children (4 from each year group) were chosen for case study analysis. Video recordings were made, and the children's Moovl creations collated. Research Machines loaned 12 tablet PCs to Futurelab in order to conduct the study.

Additional information

Moovl: a Futurelab prototype research report

Related Titles

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