NEET Prevention - Keeping Students Engaged at Key Stage 4: Top Tips for Senior Leaders

National Foundation for Educational Research

06 November 2014

Over recent years, public awareness of the number of young people described as being not in education, employment or training (NEET) has grown.

Through research we know that the majority of young people who are NEET do not face multiple or complex barriers to engagement (such as teenage pregnancy or having social care involvement) and we also know that these young people could be prevented from becoming NEET if targeted with the right support early on.

This top tips guide offers practical tips to schools in delivering support programmes for this group of students, particularly those aged 14-16. It has been compiled from research conducted by NFER on 10 different school-based programmes that are in place to support students aged 14-16 who are at risk of temporary disconnection from learning.

Alongside this guide we have published a case study report which provides details of the 10 case studies that have been involved in this research.

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NEET prevention - keeping students engaged at Key Stage 4

Related Titles

NEET prevention - keeping students engaged at Key Stage 4 , NEET prevention - keeping students engaged at Key Stage 4 , NEET prevention - keeping students engaged at Key Stage 4 , Reading the signs , Evaluation of the Start Programme , NEET prevention - keeping students engaged at Key Stage 4

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