NFER Evaluation of the Arnold Foundation for Rugby School
16 March 2010
The Arnold Foundation was established in 2003 as a charitable foundation to offer fully funded places at Rugby School for pupils who would benefit from a boarding education, but whose parents are not able to afford the fees. Interviews or focus groups were carried out with: staff at Rugby School; current and past Arnold Foundation pupils; parents of Arnold Foundation pupils; and the partner organisations involved with the Arnold Foundation.
Key Findings
- The Arnold Foundation is providing life-changing opportunities for the young people it supports. Pupils benefit from raised aspirations and increased awareness of what is possible for their lives. They also benefit from improved academic performance, access to a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, and enhanced social skills, confidence, increased independence and leadership skills.
- The benefits extend beyond the Arnold Foundation pupils, to their families and communities, as well as to other Rugby School pupils and staff.
- Rugby’s historic commitment to widening access, partnerships with educational charities, comprehensive pastoral support for pupils and their families, and the generous and continuing involvement of its donors, have contributed to the Arnold Foundation’s success.
- The research strongly endorsed the continued development of the Foundation and the broadening of its reach to afford more young people the life-changing opportunities available.