NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: Questions for the Department of Education - June 2015

Jennie Harland, David Sims, Anneka Dawson, Adam Rabiasz

21 December 2015

Research Brief on the DfE website

The Department for Education submitted questions to the June 2015 NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey and additionally to the senior leader booster surveys in June - August 2015. The questions focused on the new national curriculum, mental health support and provision, pupil behaviour and bullying, school leadership, post-16 participation and choices, vocational courses and qualifications, work experience and new school accountability measures. The sample consisted of 2,088 senior leaders (headteachers or assistant/ deputy heads) and classroom teachers.

Related Titles

NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus - questions for the Department for Education , Teacher Voice Omnibus May 2013 Survey , NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus - questions for the Department of Education

Sponsor Details

Department for Education