Practical Research for Education Issue 40

National Foundation for Educational Research

01 December 2008

Practical Research for Education was a journal originally published twice a year and included the following regular features: Profile interviews with well-known researchers and theorists, Tool-kit articles that equip people to do their own research and Letter from the chalk-face, which offered readers the opportunity to write about their own experiences of doing or using research.


Profile: Andrew Pollard
Gail Goodwin

Tool-kit 7: Using appreciative inquiry in research
Maha Shuyab, Caroline Sharp and Michelle Judkins

Using support groups to improve behaviour
Joan Mowat

Reading – a pleasure or a pain? Attitudes to reading in years 4 and 6
Claire Hodgson

Teaching inference skills in reading
Anne Kispal

Letter from the chalkface: research inspires a new professionalism
Rosemary Harvey

Thinking outside the box: learning from a school research project
Helen Crawley and Alison Lawson

Understanding Fischer Family Trust output
Ian Schagen

practical research for education conference 2008
Allison Chownsmith

Free online database of current research: CERUK plus
Dawn Sanders

Switching on the light – some reflections on staff development to support inclusive learning
Rob Rodgers

Maths, science and gender: messages from TIMSS
Linda Sturman

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practical research for education issue 40

Related Titles

practical research for education issue 40 , practical research for education issue 40 , practical research for education issue 40 , practical research for education issue 41 , practical research for education issue 42 , Research tool-kit, Volume 2