Reflections on Guidance and Learning
01 March 1997
Lifelong learning is now widely regarded as having massive potential to enhance national economic prosperity by helping to produce a suitably qualified, educated, skilled and motivated workforce. Facilitating the take-up and productive use of available learning opportunities is therefore of prime importance to the renewal of Britain's skills base and to improving competitiveness. This report provides a detailed study of the role of guidance and learning support and its impact on adults' progress and achievements. Drawing on in-depth interviews and discussions with a wide range of staff and adult learners in FE colleges, the study throws light on the use made of guidance services and on the nature and importance of the learner-tutor relationship. All personnel involved in the planning and delivery of education and guidance for adult learners and related staff development, whether based in colleges, LEAs, TECs, LECs or the Careers Service, will find this report informative in reviewing provision.