Relationship Support Interventions Evaluation
13 February 2014
Download report from the DfE website
This evaluation, led by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, sought evidence on the effectiveness and value for money of three types of relationship support intervention: Marriage preparation (delivered by Marriage Care); Let’s Stick Together (a brief relationship education session delivered mainly to mothers); and couple counselling (delivered by the AFCS, Marriage Care, Relate and TCCR).
Key Findings
- Attending couple counselling results in positive changes in individuals’ relationship quality, well-being and communication
- Receiving marriage preparation is associated with positive changes in relationship quality or well-being, depending on the type of preparation attended and changed people’s attitudes towards receiving relationship support in future
- Attending a short LST session is not associated with any statistically significant positive changes, although many participants reported positive impacts of attending several months afterwards
- Couple counselling and FOCCUS marriage preparation were both found to be cost effective, providing substantially greater savings to society than they cost to deliver