The Reading Repertoire at Key Stage 2: A selective list of books

Anne Kispal, Janet White, Sylvia Karavis, Una Christophers

01 March 1994

Teaching reading successfully depends both on well-chosen resources and a set of practical techniques for exploiting reading in the classroom and measuring the pupils' progress.

This book furnishes helpful advice for teachers on all aspects of reading work in Years 4-6. Alongside an extensive list of recommended National Curriculum texts (also published separately by SCAA), the principles of book selection are discussed so that teachers can feel confident when they review their school or class libraries and set about enhancing their stock.

Classroom activities are suggested which explore the Reading Repertoire through talking and writing, and teachers are given clear and practical guidance on the assessment of reading by means of individual or group discussion.

Details of a number of LEA Reading Projects are set out in appendices, supplemented by sources of further information and suggestions for the kind of reading that will help teachers with their own professional development.

Designed for all those involved in teaching English at KS2, this book will be a valuable resource to turn to again and again.

Additional information

reading repertoire at key stage 2