The Role of Research in Mature Education Systems
01 September 1997
The classroom has taken over from the factory floor as the place where the prosperity of nations is determined. In a knowledge-based society, educating the young - and everybody else - is a vital concern.
What role does educational research have to play in this? How can it contribute to educational reform? What lessons can it learn from practice in adjacent research fields? Are there key concerns shared across countries?
These and related questions are addressed here. Many of the leading researchers from Britain and around the world came together at Windsor to take stock and look to the future on the occasion of NFER's 50th Anniversary. This book distils the conference presentations and debates into a cogent statement on educational research in our time. Challenging examples, clear-sighted analysis and persuasive vision combine to produce an authoritative and provocative text.
Researchers, academics, educational planners and all those concerned with maximising the return from educational investment will find this a stimulating and productive read.