Transforming the School Workforce - A New Professional Respect? The Beacon Scheme 2004 - 2005

Rosalind Morton

04 January 2006

This report focuses on local authorities' good practice in school workforce remodelling, which is seen as integral to the national drive to raise educational standards and linked with the broader agendas of community cohesion, social inclusion and regeneration. Prepared in collaboration with the IDeA, it is based on an analysis of seven councils' applications for Beacon status under the theme of ‘Transforming the School Workforce’, and on interviews with officers in the four successful authorities to track progress in each since their bids were submitted.

After outlining the policy background and the key impetuses and milestones for workforce reform, as set out in Raising Standards and Tackling Workload - a National Agreement, the report describes how the authorities have supported schools in bringing about the cultural and organisational changes necessary to deliver the reforms; developing all teaching and support staff, providing clear career paths, and building schools’ capacity for improvement; working closely with a range of partners across the public, voluntary and private sectors to find innovative solutions to challenges; and sharing effective practice within and beyond their own boundaries.

Drawing on the successful experience of the four Beacon Councils, the report offers suggestions that might help other authorities to support modernisation across the school system and to prepare for the remodelling of the wider children’s services workforce.

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Transforming the school workforce - a new professional respect?