Tutor Trust Primary: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary
15 July 2015
The Tutor Trust is a Manchester-based charity that aims to provide affordable small group and one-to-one tuition to schools. This evaluation assessed the impact of the Tutor Trust on the English and Mathematics attainment of 95 pupils in Years 6 and 7. The evaluation also explored schools’ perceptions of the need for affordable tuition and their assessments of the quality of the service provided, in order test the feasibility of the approach and provide formative feedback to the Tutor Trust.
The project was funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), the SHINE Trust and Manchester City Council. The findings from a separate evaluation of the impact of the Tutor Trust on the GCSE results of pupils in Years 10 and 11 is also available.
A research brief of this report is available on the EEF website
Key Findings
- Due to the study’s design and problems recruiting schools to receive tuition or participate in the evaluation, this evaluation has not provided a secure estimate of the impact of the project on pupil outcomes
- Participating pupils made slightly less progress in both English and mathematics than those in the matched comparison group. However, this finding was not statistically significant, meaning that it could have occurred by chance
- The schools involved in qualitative interviews were positive about the tuition, keen to work with the Tutor Trust again, and largely confident that the tuition was beneficial for their pupils
- To ensure pupils derive maximum benefit, it is recommended that the Tutor Trust continues to put additional mechanisms in place to monitor tutor performance and conduct and that schools also implement such mechanisms. In addition, classroom teachers need to be involved in the planning and management of tuition.
Additional information
Tutor Trust Primary
Related Titles
Tutor Trust Primary , Tutor Trust Secondary