Raising educational attainment in the wake of COVID-19 and the impact of the National Tutoring Programme
Tuesday 27 April 2021
This Westminster Education Forum conference is examining policy priorities for raising educational attainment in the wake of the pandemic, as well as the next steps for the National Tutoring Programme.
Areas for discussion include:
- priorities and options for supporting early years, primary and secondary students in catching up in the wake of COVID-19
- international perspectives on catch-up tutoring
- supporting educational attainment in deprived communities
- the effect of student mental health concerns on educational attainment
The agenda includes case studies on:
- local and community partnerships and their role in supporting early development
- school partnerships and collaboration, and their impact on raising attainment
- effective use of resources for catch-up studies
- joining up services and targeting support for disadvantaged children
At 11:00am, NFER’s Chief Social Scientist, Dr Angela Donkin, will be discussing the evidence base on the attainment gap and how it can inform strategies going forward.
Keynote contributions will include: Matt Hood, Principal, Oak National Academy; Professor Becky Francis, Chief Executive, Education Endowment Foundation; and Dr Melanie Ehren, Professor of Educational Governance and Director of Research Institute LEARN!, VU Amsterdam, and Honorary Professor, Institute of Education, University College London.