UKEdChat 2020

Tuesday 9 June 2020


To support the professional development of teachers, school-leaders and educators globally, UKEdChat have announced a range of online sessions, with leading sector experts. Sessions are based on: pedagogy, classroom management strategies, practical learning, assessments, improving subject knowledge and there is so much more.

Jack Worth, NFER’s Schools Workforce Lead, is presenting on teacher autonomy: how does it relate to job satisfaction and retention?

His 20 minute video will discuss the findings from recent research by NFER, the first large-scale quantitative study of teacher autonomy in England and its importance for retention. The research shows that teachers’ perceived autonomy over what they do in their jobs and how they do it is strongly associated with greater job satisfaction and intention to stay in the profession. The talk will explain the implications for school leaders, also drawing on the supporting guidance on the research, developed by the Teacher Development Trust.

More about the event…